reading room

XX Game Jam

Creative Territories: exploring innovation in indie game production contexts and connections

Ashton, Dan 2010. ‘Relations of control: walkthroughs and the structuring of player agency’. Fibreculture 16.

Bernstein, Charles 1991. ‘Play it again, Pac-Man’. Postmodern Culture, 2(1).

Castronova, Edward 2003. ‘On virtual economies’. Game Studies 3(2).

Crogan, Patrick 2014. ‘Bernard Stiegler on the idea of a contributory territory’, Creative Territories blog:

Giddings, Seth 2014. ‘Animal Crossing economics’, extract from Gameworlds: virtual media & children’s everyday play, New York: Bloomsbury.

Jarrett, Josh 2015. ‘Playing between rules: negotiating the ludic innovations of the MOBA genre’,  Proceedings of Digital Games Research Association conference 2015.

Kennedy, Helen W., Bell, Becky, and Rawlings, Debbie 2013. XX Games Jam 2012

Stallabrass, Julian 1993. ‘Just gaming: allegory and economy in computer games’. New Left Review198, Mar/Apr.

Wanick, Vanissa, Ranchhod, Ashok & Wills, Gary 2014. ‘Advergames and meaningful experiences: towards a conceptual framework for contextual advergames for cross-cultural consumer behaviour. In, 4th INTERREG Conference Global Culture and Creativity: from Design to Innovation and Enterprise?, Winchester, GB.

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